We've all been in the situation where we've arrived at a shoot all ready to go and realised that while we thought we had charged all our necessary battery's the previous night we should have double-checked as they're all dead. Crisis averted with the introduction of the new DX2 500 Mobile Power Station the device that can charge and or power multiple electronic devices at once.

The DX2 500 Mobile Power Bank can charge or run any electronic device that requires 220V power. It comes complete with multiple output sockets that provide you, the user, with the option to charge multiple items at once. So you could charge your mobile device and run a small fridge at the same time. And who said a cold drink and a mobile photography shoot didn't go hand-in-hand?

Now that's something for the more adventurous creators among us to look out for and a device that could save your day on many occasions. Be sure to keep your eyes on Orms Direct as we will adding this exciting new device to our offering soon.