Digital Photography

Buying And Selling Used Photographic Gear
Sure, it's always nice to buy a brand new camera or lens, but sometimes some great deals can be had on the second hand market.

Orms Customers Win Big At WPP Awards
Three South African photographers won accolades at the 2011 World Press Photo Awards.

Basic Digital Workflow
When you're creating thousands of new photos a year, it's important to have a digital workflow.

Why You Should Own A DSLR Camera
With modern DSLRs being more affordable than ever, it's time to upgrade.

Tips For New Photographers
Some basic advice on how to get the most from your DSLR.

Why You Should Own A 50mm Prime
One of the most common questions new photographers ask us is: "Which lens should I get for portraits and shooting at night?"

Exhibition: To Walk On Water
Abri de Swardt's To Walk On Water exhibition opened at Blank Projects in Woodstock, Cape Town last night.

A Glossary of Photographic Terms
A list of popular photographic terms and what they mean.