Article and photography by Jon Reid aka Nomadic Vision, a South African travel photographer based in London.
19 countries...
240 days away...
88 different hotels...
That’s what 2014 looked like for me. To some, that would be a nightmare. To me, it is a dream job. I'm a professional photographer making my living by photographing tourist attractions. I bought my first camera about 10 years ago. At the time, I spent my weekends exploring rural parts of the Eastern Cape. I was so frustrated at fleeting nature of memories, that I bought a camera to "solidify" these memories.
Due to the prevailing subject matter in the Eastern Cape, I gravitated towards landscape photography. Through shared interests, I was introduced to the online South African landscape community. It was a thrill to be able to share my travels with likeminded photographers. It also pushed me to grow in the art of landscape photography.

In 2009 I moved to London to make it easier to travel. I was working as a teacher, using all my holiday time to explore the world. It was on a trip to Thailand that I said to my wife, "wouldn’t it be amazing if someone paid us to do this?" It was the first time that I had seriously considered becoming a full time travel photographer.

For 2015, I've booked enough travel days to provide for my family for the year. It is half the amount of days that I worked in 2014. For the remainder of the year, I will be based in London, photographing hotels and guest houses. The mix of architecture, travel and hospitality work is perfect for me.
If there is 'formula' for my successful move into professional photography, it is this:
- Photograph something that you find interesting, as opposed to where you think the business opportunities are.
- Become obsessed at constantly bettering your photography of that subject.
- Consistently post your best work online.
- Put yourself into a position that enables you to take an opportunity when it arises.