On Wednesday afternoon, we shared the photo above, taken by Anelia Loubser, on our Facebook page. The stunning photo was taken on Tuesday night during the formation of seasonal fog over the Cape Town harbour, from the vantage point of Signal Hill.
At the time we shared it, the photograph had just over one thousand likes, and over 250 comments. As of this post, the photograph has achieved 2,025 likes, 1,727 shares and 487 comments on Facebook alone. Anelia's friend also uploaded her photograph to popular image sharing website Imgur and posted the link to Reddit, where it has already been viewed 228,665 times and garnered 3,964 up votes and 2,503 down votes for a total of 1,461 points - very impressive stats!
All of this comes back to a story we recently shared about the moment a photographer gets discovered. It just goes to show how quickly things can change. Anelia also happens to be the twin sister of Marilie, one of our in-house designers here at Orms. We wish her the best of luck with her photography, and hope to see some more great shots in the future!
With no intention of taking anything away from Anelia's photograph, we'd also like to share World Press Photo Award winning photographer Mike Hutchings' take on the same night (via 6000):
We're very impressed with these two great photographs showcasing the beauty of Cape Town!