Legendary South African photographer David Goldblatt's latest exhibition, "Structures Of Dominion & Democracy", is currently on show at the Goodman Gallery in Woodstock. Yesterday, we had the pleasure of viewing the works, and if you are based in Cape Town, we urge you to do the same! This is one show that's not to miss.
The exhibition focusses on structures, big and small, created within South Africa during the last two major time-periods in our history: the dominion of apartheid and the era of democracy. Goldblatt explains in his artist statement: "In the 1980s and ‘90s I photographed structures that we South Africans had made during the Era of Baasskap, that time, from about 1660 until 1990, in which Whites gradually came to exert dominion over all of South Africa and its peoples. It was the values we had expressed in those structures that I sought to elicit and explore in photographs and text."
He continues: "Beginning in 1999 – five years after the first democratic elections that brought the African National Congress to power – and continuing into the present, I have engaged in a similar photography of some of the structures that have emerged with our democracy and that I believe are expressive of values in this new, still nascent way of being in our society. The photographs in this, the Goodman Gallery exhibition of 2014, come mainly from the time of Democracy."
The works will be on show until 6 December at the Goodman Gallery, which is on the 3rd floor of the Fairweather House in Woodstock (the entrance is at the back of the building). The photographs were printed and framed at Orms Print Room & Framing.
Here's an overview of the exhibition: