Written By Desmond Louw. This is part two of a three part series dealing with aperture, shutter speed and ISO sensitivity.
Understanding the three most important things about lighting
Part 2: Shutter Speed
Remember the post about aperture? Allow me to again use the example of the window of a house with shutters.
The wider the shutters are open, the more light comes into the room. The aperture on your lens is similar to this. As your aperture gets larger, it lets more light in, and as it gets smaller, it lets less light in. But lets add another factor; the longer it is left open, the more light will come in. This is your shutter speed.While writing this post I decided to go to Deer Park in Cape Town quickly and take some pictures of a waterfall to demonstrate the difference between a slow and fast shutter speed.
This photo had a fast shutter speed (1/200 of a second). Note how the splashing water is frozen, the shutter just opened for a split second and before the camera sensor could pick up any movement of water, the shutter closed already.
Now lets make the shutter speed slower and slower and see what happens.

I used a tripod for these photos of the waterfall. When your shutter speed gets lower than 1/125 I would suggest you use a tripod to prevent camera shake.
The next two photos where taken at night, I left the shutter open for a few seconds while cars and bikes passed me:

This means I can get nice and close to my subject and still have the feeling of speed with the moving scenery, tar and wheels.