While the world outside may feel uncertain right now, one thing we can probably all agree on is that the creative communities on Instagram are thriving as they find innovative new ways to connect, share and tell the stories that are important to them while still self-isolating. We trawled through the list of those we are following and curated our top picks of Instagram accounts that are contributing much needed inspiration, educational content and fun activities to their followers.
#1 @hitrecordjoe | Global Collaboration From Home

You probably know him for his roles in many incredible films, but American actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt is also the founder of an incredible online platform for creative collaboration called HITRECORD.
Since March 18th, Joe has been sharing almost daily videos detailing how he is creating, connecting and collaborating from the safety of his home. It has been wonderful to follow his creative process, including both the highs and the lows, during this time. Check out his IGTV to see what Joe is creating today!
#2 @rupikaur_ | Live Streamed Writing Workshops

Poetry lovers will know Rupi Kaur, the No. 1 New York Times Bestselling Author and Illustrator, for her collections of powerful poems, Milk and Honey and The Sun and Her Flowers.
So far, Rupi has hosted two writing workshops live on her Instagram Stories where she guides the viewers through several meditative creative writing exercises. The viewers often have the chance to jump on the live stream and share their poetry with Rupi and the other participants.
You can take part in Rupi's writing workshops retroactively by watching them on her IGTV. She also just hosted an Open Mic Night featuring Riz Ahmed and ALOK last Friday and plans to do this again, so turn on the notifications to stay in the loop.
#3 @girlgaze | Ask Experienced Creatives Your Most Pressing Questions LIVE

Girlgaze, the network for connecting female and non-binary creators with brands that need their skills, is hosting powerful live streams on their Instagram Stories. Since late March, they have brought on three knowledgeable creative humans to answer the burning questions from their online community.
Past guests of #GirlgazeLive include fashion photographer Inez van Lamzweerde, image-maker Zoey Grossman and photo-journalist Lynsey Addario. Be sure to hop on the next live stream by following Girlgaze on Instagram and get some free guidance from these skilled industry professionals.
#4 @create_space_art_sessions | Art Classes Via Zoom

Before South Africa went into lockdown, Create Space was hosting guided art experiences at a local community centre, proving a safe space for creatives to reflect and express themselves through guided workshops. With everyone going into self-isolation, they have taken their bi-weekly sessions online using Zoom so they can continue contributing to their creative community.
Create Space's guided art sessions are a mere R50 per experience for South African locals and only R100 for any international participants. Past workshops include book binding, collages and "painting parties" (sounds delightful!). Follow them on Instagram and be sure to turn on their post notifications to be alerted whenever the next online art experience is taking place.
#5 @capetowncraftclub | Fun Crafty Activities You Can Do At Home

Cape Town Craft Club's Instagram is the place to go if you are looking for quick, easy crafts you can learn to do at home while self-isolating. They are sharing the instructions and comprehensive lists of all the tools you'll need to complete the crafts. So far you can get the step-by-step guides to sewing a crop top, making retro scrunchies and learning a gingham crochet stitch. The directions can be found in their Instagram Story Highlights.
#6 @theminimaleblogger | Daily Still Life Photography

If you've always wanted to channel Wijdan Arendse-Hendricks' minimalist energy into your photographic work, now is the perfect time to join her #dailyisostilllife challenge. Learn to take better still life and lifestyle photographs under the guidance of the tips Wijdan shares on her Instagram story. Each day has a new theme, so you'll certainly remain challenged.
#7 @youmeandmyfuji | Journey Through Their DVD Cabinet

Local analogue photographer Paris Brummer is on a mission to go through their entire DVD cabinet and rediscover why they felt that each film was so excellent that they had to own it on DVD. Oh, and they're taking you with them via their Instagram Stories! If you are looking for great movie recommendations with very detailed write-ups on each film, be sure to follow @youmeandmyfuji on Instagram and turn on their story notifications to find out whenever they have another review.
#8 @restorefrombackup | Entertaining IG Story Games

Online film photography community Restore From Backup regularly shares fun visual games like word searches and "This or That" for analogue photographers on their Instagram Story. The posts can be screenshot-ed, completed and shared with fellow film fans who are looking for a few minutes of entertainment while they can't be out shooting. Check out Restore From Backup on Instagram so you don't miss the next selection of games!
#9 @mattheweaton_ | General Knowledge Quizzes

Capetonian visual creative and current Orms Cape Town School of Photography student Matthew Eaton regularly hosts general knowledge quizzes on his Instagram stories. If you forgot to snag your parents' Trivial Pursuit or 30 Seconds before the lockdown came into effect, head on over to Matthew's Instagram and stay tuned for another fun quiz to challenge your brain. You can also request themes, so hit up his DM's and ask for some of your favorite categories.
#10 @wepresent | Art That Brings Joy

Creative powerhouse WePresent is asking their favorite artists to share the pieces they've created that are bringing them the most joy, comfort and inspiration in these times. WePresent then shares these images on their Instagram feed for their online community to enjoy. The pieces are generally vibrant, rich and full of life and hope. We've been drawing a lot of encouragement from the artwork, and we hope that you do too!
Discover More on Orms Connect
We are hosting weekly Study Sessions that give visual creatives the opportunity to dissect various forms of photography and deepen their theoretical understanding and practical knowledge of the art form.
You can explore our favorite images from the first week of the Study Sessions where we unpacked Self Portraiture by visiting our inaugural Virtual Exhibition!