In the final two weeks of our creating in quarantine series, we delve into the art of collage. The following individuals have pushed the art form to its utmost limits, take inspiration from them as you embark on this challenge.
Influenced by themes such as evil, human behaviour, sin, sex and morality, the Colombian based artists surreal digital manipulations are more surreal than a psychedelic trip. - Plainmagazine

"Jesse Treece is a collage artist living in Seattle, Wa whose work screams of the simple, yet ever complex, interpretations of both the mundane and whimsical facets of life. He's somehow managed to mix both the regular and absurd, beautiful and disturbing and put them into images that you find you could get lost in for hours."- Saatchi art

"I have always tried to exploit the photograph. I use it as colour, or as a poet uses the word."- Hannah Hoch
Feminist icon and avant-garde Dadaist, Hannah's political and gender-based collages became so controversial that Nazi ruled Germany labelled her a degenerate, but her work is undoubtedly one of the most compelling of its time. She assembled her collages with newspaper and magazine cuttings.

The Brooklyn based Chilean born artist work is primarily focused on "everyday images and objects related to childhood. Children’s books, pedagogical objects, costumes, sports and games are frequent sources of material in her work. She is particularly interested in childhood because in this period the limits between reality and fiction are not yet defined." -Openlazo

In the 1930s Agar was a leading British exponent of Surrealism, although she remained distinct from the political and theoretical aspects of the movement. She is known for her unique layering technique that involved collaged paper that is cut through with a knife to reveal the hidden depths below.

Man Ray was another Avant-garde artist that emerged from the DADA and surrealist movements embraced the possibilities for irrational combinations and chance arrangements of objects, emphasizing the abstraction of images made in this way. -MOMA

"Collage artist Melinda Gibson transforms existing scenes into unique works of art via her signature cut-out style." IGNANT
She uses magazines, old prints or her personal image archive to create incredibly compelling images.

"John Stezaker’s work re-examines the various relationships to the photographic image: as documentation of truth, purveyor of memory, and symbol of modern culture. In his collages, Stezaker appropriates images found in books, magazines, and postcards and uses them as ‘readymades’." - Saatchi Gallery

The Ukrainian born, London based mixed media artist uses materials found in flea markets and thrift stores to create beautiful collages that have led her to work with big clients from all around the world. According to Bu she usually spend days cutting and sourcing material before assemblage. Find the full interview on Between 10and5

Cape Town-based visual artist Sitaara SIItodel graduated from the UCT Michaelis School of Fine Art in 2014.
"The majority of her work has been exploring her experience of growing up constantly on the move. Stodel have moved over 34 times in 27 years, mainly around Cape Town. Her family was often evicted from their rented houses, and thus the home became a transient space of growth and trauma." -ZeitzMocaa

Entries are accepted from the 20 April - 1 May 2020, The deadline is 9am.